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Finance Catalyst

Yvonne Ofosu-Appiah

Yvonne Ofosu-Appiah is an investment professional with 16 years combined experience working within banking, capital markets and impact investing across sub-Saharan Africa.

She is the Chief Investment Officer for Wangara Green Ventures, a climate focused investment company that provides patient capital to small and growing businesses that are ‘green’ or ‘going green’. At Wangara, Yvonne leads the investment team across the entire investment cycle and has built a portfolio of resilient climate businesses within renewable energy, e-mobility, eco-manufacturing, water treatment and climate smart agriculture.

Yvonne believes in the power of patient capital to help address climate issues and its related vulnerabilities and to transform lives at scale in difficult regions. She is passionate about climate finance and its nexus with gender equality and leverages her expertise to assess climate projects to attract investment capital.