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Last Mile Distribution Investor Forum 2022

22.06.2022 - 22.06.2022

The Last Mile Distribution (LMD) Investor Forum 2021 saw 91 participants from 59 funders come together to consider access to finance challenges in LMD, and how to tackle these. Promising solutions have emerged since then, as our LMD State of the sector update 2022 explores. The GDC team has also actioned key ideas from the 2021 Forum and we are keen to reconnect, share progress, and jointly decide on next steps. In particular, we would like to hone in on the LMD capital continuum to better understand where the gaps and opportunities lie.

  • When: Wednesday 22nd June, 13:00 – 16:00 UK time (BST)
  • What: This is a virtual event co-hosted by the GDC alongside Acumen and D-Prize, and supported by GET.invest
  • Who: Investors, donors and financing intermediaries interested in LMD, as well as GDC members
  • Why: To build understanding of the capital continuum and design solutions to plug the gaps in the continuum; particularly for smaller, earlier-stage companies.

What is on the agenda:

  • A presentation of forthcoming GDC research on the LMD capital continuum
  • First-hand insights and reflections from GDC members regarding which financing mechanisms have (and have not) worked to enable their growth
  • Breakout groups to explore the topics that you are most interested in
  • A dive into proven and emerging financing solutions to support LMDs

Participation is possible upon invitation. If you are interested in participating, please contact