Series: Accelerating Investments in Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency & Smart Mobility in the Pacific Islands
In a continued effort to support climate change mitigation and adaptation in the Pacific Islands region, the European Union and the New Zealand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade jointly invite you to a series of webinars (15, 22, 29 September 2020) bringing financiers, private sector players and public authorities together to discuss investment opportunities in renewable energy, energy efficiency and smart mobility.
The webinars are hosted by the Carbon and Energy Professionals (CEP), a New Zealand-based association of energy efficiency and carbon reduction professionals, and the Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (PCREEE), a regional centre of excellence to promote sustainable energy investments, markets, industrial development and innovation in Pacific Island Countries, supported by GET.invest in partnership with ElectriFI, the Regional Pacific NDC Hub, SPC, GGGI and GIZ.
It is widely acknowledged that private investment in the Pacific Island Countries (PICs) is perceived as high risk, with stakeholders citing remoteness, limited economies of scale and in some cases the regulatory environment. On the other hand, achieving the NDC targets, increasing energy security, energy access and reaping various energy-related socio-economic benefits while reducing dependency on fossil fuels, requires scaling up by leveraging private investments. While varying business models require a tailored approach, generally, where risks are (still) perceived to be high, innovative approaches combining technological advances, risk mitigation measures and flexible blended financing could balance the risk-return profile.
The webinars provide a platform to discuss opportunities in three sectors: renewable energy, energy efficiency and smart mobility. In addition, the EU Electrification Financing Initiative (ElectriFI) will present its € 8 million Pacific Window’s objectives, criteria and investment process.
GET.invest intends to build on ongoing efforts of active players in the region, including PFAN, PPA, IRENA as well as ADB, AIFFP, IFC and WB among others, and catalyse future collaborations.
Webinar participants also have the opportunity to ‘Meet the Advisor’: an online one-on-one meeting with an investment officer from ElectriFI and/or an advisor from the GET.invest Finance Catalyst. ‘Meet the Advisor’ is an opportunity for project and businesses developers to identify how support could be provided specifically to their venture/project. Contact can be established via the e-mail address:
Webinar 1: Renewable Energy Investments in the Pacific Islands: Opportunities to scale up and the role of flexible blended financing instruments (95 mins) 15 September 2020 | 5 PM FST (Fiji Standard Time) | 7 AM CEST (Central European Summer Time)
Description: This webinar discusses the status and remaining barriers for private investment in renewable energy in the Pacific Island Countries. ElectriFI will introduce their Pacific Window, focusing on financing energy efficiency and renewable energy projects and give examples illustrating their investment strategy. Active players in the region will showcase investment and partnership opportunities. A moderated Q&A will open the floor for participants’ input. The webinar will end with an introduction to ‘Meet the Advisor’.
Register here.
Webinar 2: Energy Efficiency: A lens on Energy Service Companies (ESCO) models within the context of the Pacific Island Countries (95 mins) 22 September 2020 |5 PM FST (Fiji Standard Time) | 7 AM CEST (Central European Summer Time)
Description: This webinar delves into energy efficiency, with a special focus on ESCOs and opportunities, notably in the commercial and industrial sector. The NDC Hub/GGGI will showcase the status of their efforts to build a pipeline of investments. Private sector players from the region will share their perspectives on energy efficiency business models and experiences implementing ESCO models. ElectriFI will present their investment strategy. The webinar will close with a Q&A and an introduction to ‘Meet the Advisor’.
Register here.
Webinar 3: Smart Mobility: Leveraging technology and financing to accelerate implementation (95 mins)
29 September 2020 | 5 PM FST (Fiji Standard Time) | 7 AM CEST (Central European Summer Time)
Description: This webinar covers smart mobility, including e-mobility and other measures. PCREEE will showcase key results of a study on e-mobility in the region, while private sector players will share their experiences so far. Regional players will highlight available support instruments. The webinar will close with a Q&A. Register here.
Who should participate?
- Investors in renewable energy / energy efficiency / smart mobility with interest in the PICs
- Renewable energy private sector players (developers, businesses and sponsors active in independent power production, mini grids, solar home systems, commercial and industrial applications, etc.)
- Energy efficiency private sector players (energy service companies, energy auditors, large facility managers, etc)
- Smart mobility private sector players (road, sea transport modalities)
- Public sector players (ministries, regulators, power utilities, transport authorities, standard bodies, etc)
- Experts and consultants in the region