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GET.invest at the Global SME Finance Forum 2021

18.10.2021 - 21.10.2021

The Global SME Finance Forum conference connects more than 1500 senior bankers, tech leaders and policymakers from over 80 countries. Over four fully immersive days from 18-21 October, the event will convene leaders, advocates, innovators and practitioners in the field of green finance to share their practical experiences as well as perspectives on the importance of greening SME finance and its role in promoting a more resilient and sustainable growth for SMEs post-COVID-19.

As part of the Global SME Forum, GET.invest – together with the GIZ Financial Systems Development Cluster – will host a session on “Promoting SME Finance for Renewable Energy”. The aim of the session, taking place on 20 October at 2.30 PM, is to provide insights into how our support to financing institutions in Rwanda and Mozambique fosters access to domestic finance for SMEs operating in the renewable energy sector. A special focus will be put on how the work with the demand side (SMEs) is linked to the work with the supply side (financiers).

The discussion will bring in voices from domestic markets and revolve around the following questions:

  • Why is it attractive for domestic financiers to engage in RE financing?
  • Which financing options already exist for SMEs that want to invest in RE applications and where are the current barriers and limits?
  • What are the underlying business models for RE segments and how ready/ experienced are domestic financiers to properly assess risks for these?
  • What have we learned about the resilience of the business models since the beginning of the COVID pandemic?
  • How can technical assistance support financiers in engaging more in renewable energy financing?

Please register for the event by clicking here.

Click to learn more about our activities to support domestic financial institutions in Mozambique and Rwanda.