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EABF Side Event: Harnessing Innovative Scalable Business Models for the Green Energy Transition in Africa

21.04.2021 - 21.04.2021

From 20-21 April 2021, the EU-Africa Business Forum, hosted by the European Commission, the African Union Commission and the Portuguese Presidency of the European Council, co-organised with the support of the Africa-EU Energy Partnership and the Africa Europe Foundation, will hold the first Digital Marketplace for the Green Energy Transition. The virtual event is a unique opportunity to dialogue, network and build new bridges in the green energy sector by participating in exhibitions, workshops, conferences and one-on-one meetings.

In parallel to the marketplace, the Electrification Financing Initiative EDFI ElectriFI and GET.invest have teamed up to host a side event on Harnessing Innovative Scalable Business Models for the Green Energy Transition in Africa on 21 April from 09:00-10:30 CEST.

This highly timely discussion will feature innovative companies from the joint EDFI ElectriFI and GET.invest pipeline, pitching their approaches to the green energy transition on three critical business models: Distribution of Modern Energy Systems for Productive Use, Commercial and Industrial, and Mini-Grids; and explaining how they were able to scale up their businesses with the help of GET.invest and EDFI ElectriFI.

The programme has been designed with a high degree of interactivity and the audience in mind, providing ample opportunities to exchange and ask questions to sector innovators, learn about different scalable and replicable approaches, and find out about support mechanisms available.

To learn more about EDFI ElectriFI and GET.invest, participants can meet representatives of the two programmes at their respective booths on both days of the virtual marketplace.

Click here to learn more and sign up.