Mini-grids in Mozambique
After two successful discussions on renewable energy sector responses to Covid-19 as well as prospects for renewable energy applications in the commercial and industrial (C&I) sectors of Mozambique, AMER, supported by GET.invest, AMDA and FUNAE, invites to the third and final part of its webinar series on renewable energy and private sector perspectives.
The webinar, covering the topic of “Minigrids in Mozambique” will take place on 13 October and consists of two sessions. Session one from 10:30 to 11:45 CAT/CET will discuss private sector perspectives and mini-grid development in the country. For this purpose, companies operating in the mini-grid segment are invited to present their activities and perspectives for the future of the sector. At the same time, the legal and regulatory framework for mini-grids will be elaborated on in a presentation by lawyer Taciana Peão Lopes.
Session two from 14:30 to 14:45 CAT / CET, will feature public sector support instruments and lessons learnt in the mini-grid segment. FUNAE, represented by its PCA António Saíde, will present FUNAE’s experience and share some of the lessons learned.
To register, please click here.
Background information
Mini-grids involve small-scale electricity generation, which serve a limited number of consumers via a distribution grid that can operate in isolation from national electricity transmission networks and supply relatively concentrated settlements with electricity at grid quality level. Demonstrating the nascent market opportunities for mini-grids, GET.invest has prepared a series of Market Insights products on applications for the generation, distribution and supply of electricity in unserved or underserved areas of Zambia. Our Market Insights package includes a ‘how to’ developer guide, providing essential background information on different applications for both solar and hydropower, as well as a series of model business cases and case studies, all accessible here.