SolarPower Summit 2021 – Driving Sustainable Change
The year 2021 is not just “any year”. The European solar sector has demonstrated its immense growth potential, and its resilience to drive sustainable growth in the long-term. But there is much more to harvest. Solar energy is the most job intensive energy source, creating more than 4 million jobs globally. Is it also the most versatile and affordable energy source in history, supporting the competitiveness of EU businesses, the sustainability of European homes, and spreading well beyond the energy sector.
In light of these recognitions, SolarPower Europe, supported by GET.invest, will organise the 2021 edition of the SolarPower summit virtually on 10-12 May 2021. This year’s edition is 100% dedicated to driving sustainable change, and making the recovery a true European success story.
On 7 May, SolarPower Europe, supported by GET.invest, will host a side-event on Solar business opportunities in emerging markets. This one-day side event will bring together government and industry representatives to discuss solar business opportunities in Africa and other emerging markets.