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Country windows

Zooming in on national markets

Together with its donors, GET.invest has established a series of country windows that allow the programme to focus on selected national sustainable energy markets. GET.invest receives additional funding for these in-country activities and implements them in close coordination with other national donor programmes.

While the country windows reflect the key services of GET.invest, they allow activities to be tailored to the needs of each national context and to specific market segments. Country windows aim to create a pipeline of investment-ready projects in the country and mobilise financing.

Beyond the current focus on the countries listed below, GET.invest also operated a country window in Burundi (2021-2023), which worked closely with the EU-funded impact investment facility EDFI Electrify and the Burundi Renewable Energy Association (BUREA) to help create a renewable energy market in the country.

GET.invest Eswatini

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GET.invest Lesotho

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GET.invest Mozambique

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