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An up-to-date list of 270+ financing instruments for renewable energy projects and businesses.

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273 funds found
Fund Manager Instrument Name Instrument Type Market Segment Ticket Size (EUR)
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Actis Energy 5 Fund (AE5) Equity > 10 million
Actis Energy 4 Fund (AE4) Equity > 10 million
Pioneer Energy Investment Initiative (PEII+) Equity 100,000 - 1 million
Hardest-to-Reach Development Facility – Equity Equity 100,000 - 3 million
Hardest-to-Reach Development Facility – Debt Debt 100,000 - 3 million
Acumen Capital Partners
KawiSafi Ventures Equity 1 million - 3 million
Acumen Capital Partners
Acumen Resilient Agriculture Fund (ARAF) Equity 1 million - 3 million
Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF)
Renewable Energy and Climate Adaptation Technologies (REACT) Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) Programme Grant 0 - 100,000
Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF)
Promotion of Solar Solutions to Stimulate Green Employment in Burkina Faso (PROSSEV-BF) Grant 0 - 100,000
Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF)
Renewable Energy and Climate Adaptation Technologies (REACT) – Efficient Electrification Project (EPP) Grant 0 - 100,000
Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF)
The Innovation Fund Grant 100,000 - 500,000
Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF)
REACT Results-Based Financing (RBF) Grant 500,000 - 1 million
Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF)
The Tanzania Clean Cooking Project (TCCP) Grant 0 - 500,000
Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF)
Renewable Energy and Climate Adaptation Technologies (REACT) Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) Somalia and Somaliland Grant 100,000 - 3 million
Africa Finance Corporation (AFC)
Africa Finance Corporation – Debt Debt Varies
Africa Finance Corporation (AFC)
Africa Finance Corporation – Equity Equity Varies
Africa50 Project Finance Equity Varies
African Development Bank (AfDB)
Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA) Grant Varies
African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank)
Guarantee Products Guarantee Varies
African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank)
Project–Related Financing Debt Varies
African Frontier Capital (AFC)
Solar Frontier Capital (SFC) Debt 1 million - 3 million
African Trade & Investment Development Insurance (ATIDI)
Regional Liquidity Support Facility (RLSF) Guarantee Varies
African Trade & Investment Development Insurance (ATIDI)
ATIDI – Political Risk and Investment Insurance Guarantee Varies
AfricInvest Private Credit
AfricInvest Private Credit Debt 1 million - 10 million
Afrishela Investment Fund
Afrishela Fund I – Equity Equity 0 - 500,000