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Finance Catalyst

Aurelia Mohrmann

Aurelia is a financial modelling expert and advisor working on sustainable impact projects with a focus on the renewable energy sector and climate finance. She has a background in economics (MA, McGill University) and finance (MSc, University of Amsterdam) and has worked on a wide range of energy projects – in renewable electricity (solar, wind, hydro), renewable heat (geothermal, industrial residual heat), renewable fuels (hydrogen, biofuels, synthetic fuels) and sustainable agriculture and water for both public organizations (provinces, municipalities) and private institutions (developers, banks).

Aurelia has worked on renewable energy projects of up to 120MW in Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia Pacific, the Caribbean, and the Netherlands. Her involvement in these projects ranges from market and first feasibility studies to securing financial investment for the development of new projects, as well as transactions of existing assets.